Finding Long-Tail Keywords That You Can Compete With Online

Search engine optimisation is about articles, products and website rankings and having your content shown to people when they search for words relevant to a topic. While it's hard to compete with big companies on popular search terms, you can increase your chance of success by using long-tail keywords. These are more specific and usually have extra words. For example, it may be hard to rank for a general phrase such as 'cat t-shirt design', but you can find hidden related searches with some digging. You can do this digging manually (digitally!) or with software. Here's how.

Thinking About Searcher Intent

Before you begin the keyword excavation, think about the possible intent of someone searching for a particular word or phrase. Consider how that intent aligns with you. This will depend on what you ultimately want from them. Do you want them to buy something? If so, think about the words you use when buying stuff. On the other hand, you may want them to read an article.

Experimenting With Google Auto-Complete

You can find less popular but useful terms by experimenting with a search engine like Google. You will notice that once you begin typing in the search bar, you will be prompted with auto-complete suggestions consistent with the letters and words you're inputting. You can use these prompts to develop ideas, as search engines will only supply terms that people search for. Additionally, you can get ideas by looking at whether the search engine displays searches that are related to yours lower on the page.

Evaluating the Search Results

You may find some possible search terms but wonder how to evaluate them. One option is to simply consider the results you get after trying out the search. Do you get large companies and websites that would be virtually impossible to compete against? If so, those keywords may not work.

On the other hand, if you search and get general sites such as, the search engine may be struggling to find suitable options to show, and you might have a chance of ranking.

Using an Extension

Install a browser extension that will show the domain authority of each website on the search page. You will notice by experimenting that popular and established sites have a high domain authority number. If you get a list of websites with low domain authority on the first page, the search term you used may be feasible. You can also get paid software that helps with search engine optimisation and helps you find long-tail keywords to target. 

Contact a company like Crunchy Digital to learn more. 
